Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photohunt Smelly

With the holiday's approaching I didn't have much time to go around taking pictures and only had this in my collection. Presenting to you the king of fruits the durian which will make do for this weeks theme Smelly. I tried searching for words that describe how durian smells and this post in wikipedia just made me laugh. It's really not that bad actually and I have many foreigner friends that loves the taste of the durian that is once you overcome the fear of the smell :D

... its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away. Despite its great local popularity, the raw fruit is forbidden from some establishments such as hotels, subways and airports, including public transportation in Southeast Asia.

To many the smell of the durian is something that leaves
them with a migraine but to many the smell is just heavenly
and can be smelt from miles away

The smell is just so horrible that many public places especially
hotel rooms have banned bringing in durian into their premises


Unknown said...

I've heard of them, but never smelled them. Great find!

Anonymous said...

The perfect choice! I love the "no durian" signs you see in hotels and public transportation all around southeast asia. It's amazing that one fruit could have such a potent smell.... you can truly smell a ripe durian from miles away :)

Cynthia said...

I have never heard of it, and it sounds dreadful. Great post!

Anonymous said...

i love eating them ... though I don't care much for the pungent smell. ;)
thanks for dropping by

Anonymous said...

lol ... interesting description!
i have durian as my post for this week's "smelly" theme, too!

happy weekend!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it sure looks awful! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

Amazing. A lot of people are mentioning them-they must be really bad.

Anonymous said...

yikes, i don't like its smell...make me entry!happy weekend!
mine is up too.

Andree said...

Yes, a lot of posts are about this: what I don't understand is that it must be awful good even tho it smells awful bad, in order for it to be sold everywhere.

Anonymous said...

we have the same smelly post..

Happy weekend~

Colin Campbell said...

I was thinking of this for my post. I have vivid memories of always finding a way not to eat Durian while I lived in Singapore. I can remember feeling nauseous when I leant over a Durian Puree. I also laughed when I first saw signs banning durian on public transport.

Anonymous said...

AARRGHHH!!! How can this be? I'm posting durians too (= Super great minds think super alikely? Wuakakakak!! Wuakakakaaa!!! Selamat Hari Raya to you!!

Lynn said...

As they say, durian tastes heavenly. Though I am not really turned off by the smell of this famous fruit.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is very funny!! I want to taste one!!

jmb said...

A popular post for this theme. I have heard they taste good despite the smell.

Anonymous said...

I wondered if there would be many posts about durian. It's not somehting I have ever come across but I've heard of it many times. I just can't imagine what it could be like.

shiera said...

wow! Durian!!!!
You guys make me drool! LOL!

I love them and it's not at all smelly for me. ^-^

Thanks for looking at my entry, by the way. I actually took a picture of a toilet this afternoon and posted it already. ^-^

Some toilets here, even the ones in the cities, stink... but the ones in major train stops... they're very clean. ^-^

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very interesting! I'd never heard of durian before today. They certainly sound very smelly!

My smelly photo.

Cindy said...

Oh my word...I've never heard of them, but that description kind of makes me glad! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love to eat durian as it is nice and sweet and I like the smell. But now I have to stop on doctor advice.