My Valentines Day
So finally Valentines day is over and everyone can go back being a normal person doing their normal stuff. Still don't understand why we need to celebrate such a commercialised day but to each his own ..
So I initially thought of just staying at home hiding under my blanket and watch a movie but a group of friends wanted to meetup for dinner and then later head to Settlers cafe to chill and enjoy some games. Despite my laziness and reluctance of going through all the hassle and traffic to go for dinner I decided to just go anyway and true enough the roads were packed with cars, everyone trying to make it in time for dinner. I managed to reach Atria slightly after 8pm and was suprised that I was among the earliest there.
While waiting for the rest to arrived we play The Great Dalmuti which basically is a card game.After a few rounds the rest arrived and we proceeded to a Thai restaurant to have dinner. I forgot the name but it's located at the shophouses near Atria. The food was good but the drink was something else. I ordered green mango ice blended. It kinda looked funky and when I drank it first thought that came to mind was .. you know the assam people usually put on their jambu ... it so tastes like that except it's in liquid form .. hahahha .. quite sweet and sourish
After dinner we headed back to settlers to continue our games. The group broke into two and half played Dalmuti and the other half played Havoc. My group continued playing Great Damulti and I made it to be the Damulti 4 times in a row but soon luck ran out and I was Asshole for the next 4 rounds in a row .. hahahahahahahAfter a while we got bored and the other group just finished their Havoc game so we decided to swap. Ah Wai, Kenny, Cody, Kelvin, TingTing and myself tried our hands at Havoc. For most of us it was our first time and Cody and Ah Wai were trying to explain how the game goes and what's the objective is. All I heard was blah blah blah blah .. hahahah .. so we decided to start the game and before the 2nd round was over everyone had on idea on what needs to be done and we were on our way to create HAVOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC !!!!!!!!!!!
We were so engrossed with the game that by the time we actually finished it was around 1:30am .. and I lost by 1 point !!!! grrrrrrrrrrr so not satisfied lor ... I want rematch !!! HAVOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC !!!!!!!!!!!
So ends my exciting and different Valentine's day this year :D
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