Sick like a dog
Arrrghhhh running nose, sneezing, coughing ... total blurness. I hate getting sick even though it gives me the chance to stay home and have some much needed sleep but I hate the side effects that it brings. Don't even get me started with the stupid medications. Hate it when I'm sleeping nicely dreaming wonderful things and then my alarm rings cause it's time to take medicines .. grrrrrrrrrr ...Excuse me while I go and get my medicine and head over to my bed and get some rest.Hope I get well soon cause I want to go out tomorrow night and partayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D
I hate medicine..esp that black bottle -_-. I will never eat it.NEVER! lolz..Get well soon! *huggiez* here in london we also mula sakit..must be ur fault jangkit to us.=P
SICK? and may i noe how u got sick? hurhurhur : P
jan hahaha I hate meds too but as long as it makes me better have to suffer a bit la .. my virus so geng can fly to London ?? :P
I dunno also must be the rain la .. :D
Yes you jangkit to me!! How can! T_T
Sore Throat edy T_T
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