Wednesday, November 01, 2006

AA is in the house !!

So after telling TN about my blog, I decided to let yet another person know about it. I informed AA yesterday about my blog after quite a long interviewing session about his views on blogs in general and I guess it's safe enough for him to know about it. Hahahahah .. but either way the more I blog about what I do and who I hang out with sooner or later more people are going to stumble across it so might as well start of with the people around me. So welcome AA and thanks for taking the time for checking out my crap posting hahahhaha :P

Oh and also .. SK oh SK !!!!! I know you're reading my blog .. don't la be silent reader .. post up some comments .. let me know you careeeeeeeeeee .. and thank you very much for lending me your ears and shoulder to cry on when I was down and depressed and needed some advice about stuff .. ahhahahahaha ... and I promise to take up on your offer to come visit you soon !!! :D

Also sorry if all the codes/abbreviations are a little confusing. It's just I'm still rather paranoid about posting all this online and to somewhat protect those people who I talk about here. Anyways it's my blog so just DEAL WITH IT ... aightsss :D


Anonymous said...

I should have saved the interview questions and posted it up.

Safe? MuHAhaHha only someone that you have given your trust to can really betray you.

changeiam said...

next time talk to you need you to sign NDA first .. ahahah .. well true those closest to you always end up hurting you the most ..but but ... I trust you my brudaaaahhhhh :D

Anonymous said...

Everyone pulls this NDA shit on me. Even my colleague.

Anonymous said...

wah. all calling u bradda oredi lah hahahaha

changeiam said...

aa ahhahah all scared of you already la .. silap haribulan become featured artist..

tn yah la .. he is bradaaaahhh .. and he got you back .. ooopppsss ...